9 Powerful Tips For Effective Logo Design

The logo design of a company can make or break its business prospects in the market. A perfectly-created logo is capable of establishing a good rapport with the audience that a company and its business trying to achieve. But a wrongly designed logo fails to communicate a business message and ultimately harms the business of a company.



01. Know The Brand

Before you set out to design your logo, make sure that you have some insight into the brand. Keep this in mind that the logo must reach a particular set of people, which is the target market and target customers. So, write down what your business, brand, and market are all about. Find out what the brand ideology is and what inspirations it holds for the future.

Know the brand personality also. Is it a softer brand or a tough brand in terms of its tone? What is the way it wants to project itself amid its market and customers? All such details must be ready beforehand. Such information will serve you as a guide to create your logo design. You will pick your logo elements considering the information about your brand.

02. Reflects Nature Of Your Business

Make sure that your logo is fully capable of representing your business. The colors and images used in your logo should align with the business you run and the products or services you deliver. It is when a logo aligns with your business that it will create a brand identity for your company in the competitive market.

The targeted customers will also get your message when the design reflects your business and its values or attributes. So, whether you are freshly designing or redesigning your company logo, consider these three major tips in mind, to establish your business in a competitive market.

03. Impression Is Crucial

Your logo design should make a lasting impression on the market and the customers. Just a glance at your logo is enough to mesmerize the people. The logo functions for a company by enticing the customers again and again once they have a good impression of the design. To create an impression, make sure that your logo is unique, which means that its design should be based on a new concept so that it stands out in the crowd of logos in the market. The logo must also be better in design than your competitors.

04. Use Colors In A Planned Way

Colors play a crucial role in determining a brand’s message. For example, if you use red as the main color in your logo, it will send the message of the brand being aggressive, passionate, and energetic. This means that your brand intends to target young customers. If blue is the chief color, it will evoke feelings of intelligence and togetherness. This is the reason that most of the social channels such as Facebook have logos in blue. If you want to create a social media page, think of having blue as its main color in its design. Use bright and bold colors to grab people’s attention. But these colors should speak about your brand personality as well. Remember that every color evokes an emotion, which becomes its message for the viewers or customers. There is a science behind colors, which modern graphic designers effectively use.

05. Pick Fonts Carefully

Many designers just do not pay attention to the selection of typefaces and chose them randomly. The fact is that typefaces speak about the personality of a brand. For example, a typeface used for a toy company’s logo will most likely be a handwritten typeface. This is because the children are the target customers and you want to project your brand as a child-friendly business. Similarly, if you are creating a logo for a rock music band, pick bold fonts that create a strong personality of your band. So, make sure that there is not a mismatch between the typeface you chose and your brand personality. If the choice of typeface does not speak for your brand, the logo will send wrong signals to your potential customers.

Also, avoid using gimmicky fonts. If possible, use your unique fonts that you should be created especially for your logo. You can also think of using very high-quality fonts that are now available free on the web. Logos such as that of Coca-Cola are recognized for their custom fonts. By using the right colors you will create logo and brand identity both.

06. Chose The Type Of Logo

Do you want a logo that has your company’s name as the main feature? That could be the best logo idea. Such a logo is known as a logotype. Famous examples of logotypes include the logos of RayBan, IBM, and Coca-Cola.

If you choose to have a logotype, it will have your company name visible to the customers immediately. This means that your logo will become your brand’s advertisement as well. You will not be spending much to generate publicity about your brand. The logo will tell your company name to the people. Small business with a small marketing budget benefits from logotypes. But if you choose to have a symbol as your logo, it will require you to spend a lot of funds on generating awareness about your brand name. Famous companies using symbols as logos include the Apple logo that has a half ‘byte’ apple as its business symbol.

You can also think of a combination logo that has both the symbol and company name. Such a logo will speak out your company name along with a business message from the symbol.

07. Keep It Simple

Every expert logo designer and any graphic designer will lend you this advice. They all lay extra emphasis on creating a simple logo design by their graphic design services. When we speak of a simple logo, it implies that there should be the use of one or two colors, fonts, and other elements. The viewers should get the message at first glance of the logo. But if there are too many confusing colors and fonts or a complex shape of the logo, then it will send a mixed signal to the viewers. A simple logo is also a memorable design. Most of the global business is represented by its simple logos. Take for example the Nike logo. It is a simple swoosh logo. The Pepsi logo is made of two colors only. The Samsung logo has one color. Apple logo has an application as a symbol of its business. The simplicity of design is not restricted to logos only. Your all the graphic design products such as brochure design etc should also be simple, neat, and clean.

Many companies have their name in logo while others have only some illustration. Both these types of simple logos are capable of fully catching the attention of the customers. Your logo can have colors and images but the targeted audience should be able to understand the design. Avoid creating a complex logo having a riot of colors or fonts or a web of lines as such a design will be too ambiguous. You can see the logo of Google. The logo of Google is the simplest logo all over the world.

Remember that a simple design easily becomes part of memory and the audience does not have to make efforts to understand the company and business behind the logo again. So, the simplicity of a logo goes a long way in creating a brand identity as the customers can remember the company and its business easily. That’s why the majority of businesses all across the world are using logo design contest sites to source simple and minimal logos for their brand.

08. Make It Scalable

Another quality of a great logo design is that it is easily scalable. Remember that your logo will feature a variety of advertisements. It should appear like an impressive logo on all the media. This means that when scaled up to larger proportions on a billboard, the logo should look impressive. It should become part of the billboard design. But if the logo loses its sense of proportion and some of its design elements look odd on a billboard, the logo is a failure design. Similarly, if there is a need to print a logo on a smaller surface such as that of a promotional product like a pen, the logo details must still be visible.

09. It Should Be Impressive In Colorless Version

Another effective tip to create a powerful logo design is to make sure that it is equally impressive in black and white. There are many instances when a logo appears without colors. It may be on documents, faxed documents, newspaper ads, stationery, and many other items. For example, a newspaper ad generally is in black and white. This means that your logo should make a good lasting impression on viewers on the ad. One of the tricks to create logos that are impressive designs in black and white is to make sure that they look great at the sketching stage. When you draw a pencil sketch, do not rely on colors. Many designers think that the logo will become impressive after filling colors. A better way is to fill colors only when the logo is a memorable design without colors too.

So, these are our powerful tips that you should consider while designing your logo. However, you can leave everything to a professional graphic designer. If you find a logo designer expensive, you can crowdsource your logo work to Designhill.

This leading marketplace is known for the affordable prices of quality graphic design services of the professionals. As you launch your logo design contest, you get many unique design concepts from designers. You can choose one winning logo design for your business at one low price. Fiverr has a 100% Money Back Guarantee policy, which allows you to get refunds if you are not satisfied with the designs you get.

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